A message platform

European Council of Chemical Industry

For quite some time the effects on health of environmental pollution have been a cause for grave concern. The influence of these effects on the development and health of children, for instance, continues to gain prominence. As the effects have often been connected to chemicals, the chemical industry tries to do all it can to ensure that its activities do not harm the environment.

To further acknowledge this shared concern, the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) introduced a new initiative concerning sustainable development and conduct at the International Conference on Children’s Health and the Environment, 10-12 June, in Vienna.

Additionally, the chemical industry is further investigating possible effects of pollution through its global scientific programme, called Long-range Research Initiative (www.cefic-lri.org)

With this in mind, Alligence proceeded to create a sound visual identity built with a simple graphic design for major message capturing and impact. We developed a presentation brochure and an explanatory poster that supported their presentation at the conference. Both were warmly welcomed and highly appreciated.

