Green Week 2006

European Commission

Biodiversity is life

For the third time in a row, the European Commission’s Directorate General for the Environment selected Alligence to help develop the communication activities for Green Week 2006, which took place on 30 May to 2 June in Brussels.

This year, we created the graphical identity, devised a creative concept for and organised the Green Week Environment Awards ceremony, and developed and managed the event’s dedicated website. In particular, the Green Week website needed to fully cover the activities taken place. This meant that news and reports had to be made available almost at the same speed as the event advanced, which required a highly dynamic website and an efficient content management system.

When art imitates nature

Following the graphical identity given to Green Week and keeping the central theme of biodiversity in mind, Alligence brought fauna and flora to life by using animated instances of nature to illustrate the website. These illustrations were then used to develop features such as downloadable desktop wallpaper and as participant’s Green Week pet: when participants registered online, they were given a pet (an animal illustration) that would reappear at the day of the event, on the personalised information packs handed out when arriving.

a musical you say?

Green Week brought to life online

In order for visitors to keep fully abreast of the event’s activities in the quickest and most efficient way possible, we created a variety of functionalities that kept the website alive and kicking: an automatically generated Green Week Daily magazine distributed via email; and audio-visual applications such as videos, PODCASTs of the speeches given at the conference, speech transcriptions, presentations and photos. We also introduced an RSS news feed for those visitors interested in the event but with no time to lose.

Green is the word!


Punch Graphix